Below is a collection of useful resources for anyone interested in Nigerian security.
Africa in Transition – blog of John Campbell, former US ambassador to Nigeria and Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations
– blog of Ryan Cummings, security risk analyst
– project documenting the testimony of survivors of violence in Nigeria’s north-east
What is Boko Haram? – Andrew Walker’s guide to Boko Haram from 2012
(April 2014) – volume from the African Studies Centre
(May 2014) – essay by Jacob Zenn on the structure of Boko Haram and likely paths for its evolution
How Nigerian police also detained women and children as weapon of war (May 2014) – article by Elizabeth Pearson and Jacob Zenn on human rights violations by Nigerian security forces
Why Nigeria has not defeated Boko Haram (May 2014) – analysis by Andrew Walker on the weaknesses of the counter-insurgency against Boko Haram
After kidnappings, Nigeria must step up (May 2014) – article by Jason Warner and Jacob Zenn on the challenges for Nigeria’s counter-insurgency effort